Practical UI Details
Tips for making well designed things
As Steve Schoger, designer and author of Refactoring UI, puts it, "Making [website] components look well designed can be broken down into a few discrete choices". Defining a color scheme, sizing system, and more for common components will save you time and standardize your output. Sometimes the difference between something looking "off" and looking "right" can be subtle, and together these details make a design feel great.
Many of the following examples come from tweets by Schoger.
Color icons slightly lighter than labels
If you have icons next to labels, you can color them slightly lighter than the text that goes with them. This will make the most important info (the label) stand out.
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Add a subtle shadow to white text on a bright background
If you need to use a bright background color with white text you can give the text a nice subtle shadow to make it more readable. Here we use
text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
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4,181 sales
Shift buttons .5 px for a nice hover effect
In addition to this effect, you can increase the size of the element's shadow to give the effect of "lifting up". This is an effect used by Stripe.
Floating button
Here's another example of an element that Stripe uses. The box-shadow on these buttons is complex, which adds nicely to the effect:
4px 4px 16px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
Give your box shadow a slight vertical offset
This will give cards, boxes, or any other element a more natural on the page.
Total revenue
4,181 sales
936 sales
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Align icons and headers neatly
If text is aligned properly (e.g. on the same line as the icons, or images), the text will be much easier for the user to read.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam deserunt ex ea debitis natus assumenda repellat, culpa veniam, pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam deserunt ex ea debitis natus assumenda repellat, culpa veniam, pariatur, alias dolore illo amet.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam deserunt ex ea debitis natus assumenda repellat, culpa veniam, pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Laboriosam deserunt ex ea debitis natus assumenda.
Pure grey text can look "off" on a colored background
Instead of using grey text, saturate your text with the same hue as the background, or use rgba with a lowered opacity to make the color of the text blend with the background.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Odit molestiae nihil iusto mollitia amet provident, expedita dolorum facilis porro! Hic laboriosam.
Use an icon instead of the standard bullet in unordered lists
Using icons such as arrows or checkmarks will give more life to otherwise boring unordered lists.
Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Aperiam ad, excepturi quia molestias quisquam sit unde omnis a voluptate blanditiis accusantium! Voluptas itaque laborum, accusamus dicta nobis harum. Earum, a?
- Lorem ipsum dolor
- Consectetur adipisicing
- Dicta nobis harum
- Voluptas itaque laborum
- Accusamus dicta
- Excepturi quia molestias
Use a hint of color at the top of your hero
This can bring liveliness to your design, complementing the accent color of your website. 4px - 6px is enough.
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Add a gradient border to modals or panels
Similar to the last tip, this will also work great in modals or panels. You can even use a two color gradient to make it look even better.
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Adjust hue for nice gradients
When you use a gradient, in a button for example, change the hue to give a more "vivid" look.
Use contrast between two adjacent boxes instead of a line
Using two slightly contrasted colors instead of using a line will be more pleasing to the eye and look more clean.
Are you sure you want to delete the post?
If you delete the post you'll never be able to see it again. Alternatively, you can do a back-up of it and then delete. To do this, head back to the post and look for the "Create Backup" button. Then click delete again.
Use color and weight to create typographic hierarchy
Not only using weight is enough, when you use color you have a well defined hierarchy between the title and the descrpition.
Lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique quos, veniam, accusamus quo error fuga perspiciatis.
Lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique quos, veniam, accusamus quo error fuga perspiciatis.
Lorem ipsum dolor.
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Similique quos, veniam, accusamus quo error fuga perspiciatis.
When in doubt, 16px font size with 1.5 line height looks nice for body text
Also, you can use a dark shade of gray instead of black to ease the look for the user (instead of using high contrast black and white).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Cumque distinctio itaque quas necessitatibus excepturi ut corporis inventore fugiat amet, exercitationem accusantium repellendus, ex incidunt quia mollitia eligendi doloribus! Sit, voluptatibus.
Increase your letter spacing in all-caps text
This will give the text some space to breath and will make it easier to read for the user. The first line below uses
letter-spacing: 1.3px;
, the restletter-spacing: -0.03px;
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
Increase your exposure.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum expedita rem qui, ullam voluptatibus aut quas, quo explicabo esse quidem voluptas similique, eius velit maxime. Ipsam ab aliquam distinctio rerum!
Use keylines to group similar content together
This will make the content appear connected, and it will be easier for the user to understand it.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur, adipisicing elit. Repellat minus dignissimos magnam natus ratione.
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Create a great hero banner with blend-mode: multiply
Using blend-mode with a desaturated photo and a background color gives a nice contrast to your hero banner with white text.
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Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iste debitis labore aspernatur ullam rerum, architecto hic quasi.
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Overlap elements to create depth
This will also encourage users to scroll and reveal the rest of the content.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maxime in recusandae corrupti molestiae ab nulla perspiciatis iusto. Atque vitae.
Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur. Desereunt earum dolores error iusto velit possimus natus.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sint cupiditate impedit accusamus beatae neque maxime in molestiae a ratione sed provident doloribus suscipit, saepe modi consequatur cumque et quas autem.
Create hierarchy for your buttons
Your primary action button should stand out more than secondary/danger buttons.
Don't use bold color for negative action if it's not the main action
This may confuse the users, instead use a subtle gray or light color.
However, use red if you are confirming a high severity action
If you don't use a color like red for confirming a high severity action, a user may think there's no danger in it.
Drop all tables?
Make the border of buttons lighter than the text
This will make them stand out.
Instead of borders, use background colors
Too many borders can make a piece of UI look busy. Instead, use background colors to visually separate elements and use increased spacing between rows.
Tighten Co.
Taylor Otwell.
Adam Whatan.
Duke Street Studio Inc.
Jeffrey Way
Simple breadcrumbs
Nice and legible navigation element.