
Lethal Passage

Concrete solutions to the national firearm epidemic.

Buying a firearm should be among the most difficult purchases a consumer in America can make, instead of one of the easiest. Toughening the process of acquiring a firearm in the United States will not harm legitimate gun owners. Reducing the firepower of military style weapons will not penalize responsible gun owners. The right laws can reduce the incidence of impulsive teenage suicides. The right laws can limit the firepower of street guns and save the lives of innocent bystanders. The right laws can demonstrate society's conviction that owning a gun imparts a huge responsibility to the owner.

A uniquely American problem

The number of guns is a strong predictor of firearm related deaths
Source: The American Journal of Medicine

Many Americans can buy a gun, legally, in less than an hour. Toughening the process of purchasing a firearm will not harm responsible gun collectors any more than establishing a licensing process for hunters and boaters has harmed them. Stricter requirements will reduce the flow of weapons to people who intend to use them as the killing machines they are. By updating the current distribution network of guns, the purchasing process, and the design of guns themselves we can begin to tackle the firearm epidemic in America.


Any serious effort to halt the mass migration of weapons to irresponsible hands must begin by looking at the firearms distribution network. In America today it is ludicrously easy to secure a license to buy and sell guns. An entire supply chain has been built to make guns easy to offer for sale. Obtaining Federal Firearms Licenses (FFLs) is easy- the ATF lists just two steps on their website. Such a license allows an individual to import weapons and ammunition at wholesale prices. Last year, 139,840 FFLs were operating throughout the United States, with Texas (10,910), California (8,261), and Florida (7,507) home to the highest number of FFLs.

This assumes you could be bothered with securing such a license at all. In the United States, the private sale and purchase of guns and firearms are completely unsupervised and are not recorded. If you own multiple firearms and wish to sell them, you could take them all to a gun show and sell them without dealing with registration or performing a background check. The aim of universal background checks for gun transactions is written to directly address this loophole.

The primary aim of the following proposed regulations would be to shrink the number of licensed dealers to a core group of those willing to take the time and energy to run a bona fide business. These dealers would benefit from reduced competition and from converting as customers those consumers who would otherwise become "kitchen-table" or garage gun dealers just to buy guns themselves at wholesale prices.


Innocent lives can be saved simply by educating consumers about the weapons they hope to purchase. There are grave dangers inherent to owning a firearm, and ownership should come with a sense of responsibility.

Gun Design

The firepower of readily available consumer guns should be reduced and restricted, and gun designs should be improved to make them safer for the people who buy them. A national database of gun statistics, including what makes, models, and calibers of guns most often used in crimes, should be established. The sale or transfer of silencers should be outlawed, and the sale or possession of magazines having capacity for more than ten (10) bullets should be forbidden.

The research is clear: gun laws work. The nation’s courts agree: gun laws are fully compatible with the Second Amendment. And the American people have spoken: our weak gun safety laws are killing nearly 40,000 Americans every year. Something must change.