Radio buttons

Radio buttons are a common way to allow users to make a single selection from a list of options. Since only one radio button can be selected at a time (within the same group), each available choice must be its own item and label. In contrast, checkboxes may show a single label, with the checked/unchecked status of the item meaning opposite things. For example, a checkbox could have a single input/label and legend that says “I have read the terms and conditions.” Radio buttons would need two inputs/labels for the same legend, “No” and “Yes”.

Once a user selects one of the radio buttons in a group, the group can’t be easily reset to displaying no radio buttons selected. One possible solution would be to add a “none of the above” option to a radio button group, which would allow users to effectively unselect the other radio buttons in that group.

Shortwave radio is a form of radio transmission that has been around since the early 20th century. It uses high frequency signals that can travel long distances, making it possible to communicate with people across the globe.

Close up of an old time radio dial on a Philco wood case radio.