The Sopranos, the iconic American crime drama television series, has left an indelible mark on pop culture since it first premiered in 1999. Created by David Chase, the show follows the life of Tony Soprano, a mob boss struggling to balance his dual roles as a family man and a ruthless leader in the New Jersey mafia.
Pine Barrens & Long Term Parking is the highest scoring episode with an IMDB score of 9.7. The lowest scoring episode is Christopher (8).
Episode IMDB ratings
Facts about The Sopranos
- 1997 - David Chase pitched the idea of the show to the President of HBO Originals
- 1999 - The debut season premiered on HBO on January 10, 1999
- 2000 - David Chase won the Directors Guild of America Award for the pilot Episode
- 1999/2000 - The Sopranos First season got 16 Emmy nomination and won 4
- 2004 - The Sopranos won its first Emmy award for Outstanding Drama Series
- 2007 - The last season of the Sopranos ended with a black screen
- 2008 - David Chase received the Laurel Award for Television Writing Achievement for his lifetime contributions to television in addition to the four awards won by the Sopranos
- 2013 - TV Guide ranked The Sopranos as the Greatest TV Series of all time
List of deaths attributed to main characters
I always wanted the audience to feel that the episode they were seeing was happening now.
David Chase