Security Tips

(Print out this list and keep it in your bank safe deposit box.)

This webpage is really just an excuse to use this XKCD font I stumbled across recently. It recreates the handwriting style of XKCD creator Randall Munroe. XKCD is one of the best comics out there. Here I've used it to recreate comic #1820 - Security Tips. All credit to Randall for the inspiration!


XKCD 1501 Image Map

This is comic #1501- "Mysteries". Each mystery on the XY chart above links to the Wikipedia page for more information. This is accomplished using an HTML image map, on which you define clickable areas of a given image. In the example of the Mysteries comic above each mystery is defined as an area within given coordinates. An example would look like: coords="358,393,421,393,385,440,354,422" for the area "Bigfoot".